Sunday, March 13, 2016

I'm Teaching in What Language????, Le Language Study, "Party's almost over, makes me sad."-Tony Horton


How yall' doin'? We are doing pretty spectacular over here in Tainan. This week has been so good! We have seen miracles here and there, and everywhere for that matter this week. And, in addition to that, we have had some really fun things going on as well. This last week, we went on exchanges, and then on Friday we had Zone Conference, which is always a good time. Needless to say, there will be a lot to talk about during this email, so let's get started.

Well, this week, one of the many miracles that we saw came in the form of a man named Eric. Eric started texting us, having gotten our number from the Sisters. At first, we had no idea who he was or why he was texting in English. Well, we called him and set him up. Eric is from the Philippines. He has been living in Taiwan for 8 years now. He told us that he had been an investigator in the Philippines for like a year or so. But, since he came to Taiwan to work, he had never been able to find the church. He had had missionaries tell him the location before, but he had never been able to find it. Well, we were finally able to get him to the church and meet him. He is honestly, the most prepared soul I think I've ever met during my duration as a missionary. He was so happy to have been able to find the church again after so long. We taught him. We gave him a baptismal goal for April 2nd, which he readily accepted. We invited him to church the next day, to which he also readily agreed. He did come to church the next day, all 3 hours. He said unless he gets called in for work, he has Sunday's free and can come every week. THIS GUY IS AWESOME!!!! And I think the coolest part about it is that he can't speak Chinese! We teach him in English and have him read English or Tagalog materials on his phone. Even though all of our church meetings are all in Chinese, he stayed for the whole 3 hours, relying on my amateur translating skills!!!! But he said he could feel the Spirit and that he really liked it. So, we are going to try and meet with him twice a week to help him prepare for baptism. We are praying so hard and so often for his success. It is experiences like these that really testify to me that "the fields are white, already to harvest." So, please pray that he will be able to progress! Kind of a side note here, it is kind of weird teaching in English again. It's almost harder than teaching in Chinese at this point! 糟糕!

Elder Bradford's birthday celebration at FHE group
Well, this week, I finally got some language study materials!!!! I have just been using my Chinese Book of Mormon for language study, but now I finally got some new flash cards and a study book and things like that. I have started Phase 3 now, which is characters, so that should be fun. And I finally got my own 聽不懂 book, which is a book that I can use during lessons and stuff to write down words and phrases that I don't know. So that should be pretty helpful. But oh man, it feels so good to be able to have something more to study! I feel like, even though it's hard to learn, I can't get enough Chinese! I want to really put a focus on doing good study these last 7 months! But yeah, Chinese is fun. So is Taiwanese. Ah, language. 
Le Language Study 東西
And lastly, training is about over! What?! When did that happen?! Yup, Elder Park and I only have a couple more weeks left together before we split ways. It seems crazy. Time has just flown by. I remember when I was in training, it felt like an eternity! But I guess getting lost in the work really does make time go faster, which is both good and bad. But yeah, Elder Park has taught me a lot, and I'm so thankful for this experience I've had. 

Zone Conference was super super cool. We talked about a talk in the January Liahona called "Knowing the Godhead" by Elder Holland. Basically, the focus was on making sure our investigators understand the Godhead and their relationship to them before we teach them the other doctrines of the Church. It was AWESOME!! So spiritually drained after that conversation. And then we talked about how to better use English class and English proselyting and things like that. 

Lastly, the Church has put out a new Easter video for the year!!! Woohoo! I've learned to love these videos since I've come on my mission. I can never get enough Mormon Messages, I'm a Mormon, and other such videos! Well, this Easter one I feel is really touching. While it is very simple, the message it shares is one that we can all think about. How can we find new life in Jesus Christ? What can he do for us? While we speak of Him and His Atonement on a daily basis, have we ever really stopped to think about what it means? What did Christ's Atonement bring about? I can say that in my life, I have seen many trials. I have had hard times, and weaknesses that have needed to be overcome. And through Christ, I have seen those changes. I have seen miracles. I have seen it bless my own life, but more importantly, I have seen it bless the lives of others. From giving a sudden Priesthood blessing to a cancer-ridden patient at a hospital, to sharing simple, powerful messages of hope to those on the street, the Gospel has made an impact one way or another. I want to end this email with my personal testimony. Christ lives. He is our Savior and our Redeemer. Through Him, we can overcome our weaknesses. We do not have to be afraid. Through his Atoning sacrifice, we can overcome the grave. He did it for me. He did it for you. He did it for all of us. He is our Lord, our God, and our Eternal King. Hallelujah. Praise ye the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love you all and I hope to hear from you very soon.

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

P.S. I love being a missionary!!!!!
​Le Sweater Selfie

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