Monday, June 8, 2015

Another Late Email, Bye-Bye Elder Watson, Welcome Elder Yeh‏

Well Family,

I hope that you've had a good week. My week has certainly been a little bit crazy. But I guess I'll start with the most obvious news first.

Yup, Elder Watson is gone! We received the phone call Saturday night that he would be moving to Wu Feng in Taichung to be a Zone Leader with our former District Leader Elder Zhu. So, we went home, started packing all of his stuff. On Sunday, we were booking it all around the map visiting people and saying goodbye to them. We went and visited the guys we play basketball with every other Saturday and took some pictures. We ate at Lao Di Fang one last time and we went home. It was a busy day, but so much fun. And then he left me today. I am pretty sad about that, we were really good friends after all, but he is where he needs to be. I am thrilled to have had the experience of serving with such a funny companion. He has blessed my life and I am grateful for all he did for me. Thank you Elder Watson! Enjoy Taichung!

So, after he left, I met my new companion at the JiaYi Train Station. His name is Elder Yeh, and he is a native Taiwanese! He has been about about a month longer than me. Since he can speak Chinese, he is the senior companion. When I first found out that I would be getting a native companion, I was so nervous. Like, you don't even believe. I was like, "How am I going to communicate with him!?" "How are we going to get anything done if I can't talk with my companion!?" But then President Blickenstaff and Elder Watson both reassured me that his English was pretty good. So, I picked him up at the train station and we came back to Taibao! I am so excited to get to work with him now, because he will really help my Chinese to skyrocket! So, welcome to Taibao, Elder Yeh! Let's get rockin' it!

Well, aside from that little bit of news, this week was super busy. Saturday Evening and Sunday Morning were our District Conference, and we had an Area 70 come to our district from Beijing. His Chinese is perfect, some white guy. But it was super cool, and I could understand the majority of what was said. On Saturday night, we "pei'd" (or traveled with, accompanied) a sister in our branch to the conference. We paid for her bus ticket and some dinner, because she really doesn't have much money. She was so happy she was able to go!

Aside from that, things are going pretty normally here in Taibao at this point. We have a couple of pretty solid investigators at this point. We are teaching a Hellen H. She has been coming to English class for quite some time now. Apparently she has been a pretty stubborn investigator for past missionaries, and they usually stop meeting with her after only a couple of visits. But we are continuing to meet with her and she is making rapid progress. She still has lots of questions, but we have been able to make things happen. Now we just hope that things continue to go smoothly.

We also have our investigator Ke Gxx  Lxx. We were actually pretty scared at one point. He didn't return our phone calls for like a week and a half, and we were worried that he'd dropped us, even though he was so close. But, last week, we finally heard from him. His work had sent him to AoMen, a little island just south of Mainland China for a few weeks. He won't be back until the 15th, but he talked to a member in the branch and told her that he wants to be baptized in July, so we are going to work our hardest to make that happen.
Well, the spiritual experience I had this week was the District Conference that we had. It was awesome that President  was able to attend and to give some very inspiring words! . With JiaYi working towards Stake-status, we need all the encouragement we can get. I also loved Elder Toronto's words. He had a way with making us laugh, but really taking in the meaning of what he was saying. I loved the emphasis that was put on families for this conference. I firmly believe that by strengthening families, we in turn build the strength of the church. So, I thought that that was a really neat experience.

Well, that about sums up this week. I love you guys and I hope to hear from you soon! Wish me luck with my new companion!

HAPPY BIRTH DAY MOM! I hope that you have a wonderful day and a wonderful time at girls' camp. I am doing wonderful! I love you and miss you so much!


Sincerely, lots of love,
Elder Chase Joseph Millett
Basketball group

Elder Yeh and Elder Millett

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