Sunday, June 14, 2015

P-90X, Young Men's Activity, and Followed by a Ghost‏

Hello Family, 

Well this week has certainly been an interesting one. This may be a shorter email, but I will try to say what I can.

Well, to start off, I finally got a package I had been waiting on from my parents this week. I had asked them to send me P-90X so that I could have a set workout schedule in the morning. (For those of you who don't know, Elder Watson and I had a hard time getting up and working out in the morning.) But now I've started doing P-90X every morning, 6:00. And Elder Yeh is doing it with me. And it still kicks butt like it did the first time. But it really is a lot of fun. I forgot how much I enjoy doing it. 

Oh, and just a funny story about that same package. I thought I smelled something funny from inside when I first opened it. And after some observation I discovered that a deodorant stick inside had melted or exploded or something. It was all over everything! It was a mess! But I finally managed to save most of the package. The only things that perished were a copy of the Ensign and a picture. Yeah, that was fun to clean up.

Nextly, on Saturday I think, our day was kind of crazy. That morning, we went and helped do some service for like 3 hours in a non-member's field. But because it was in some green house sort of contraption, it was soooooo hot! But after that, we went home, showered, and did our studies. Then we put on our exercise clothes again and attended a branch Young Men's activity, the first one since I've been here. We played Volleyball and Basketball and afterwards enjoyed some "Mai Cha." (Barley Tea: DON'T WORRY! NO WORD OF WISDOM PROBLEMS HERE!) But that was a lot of fun. I don't have pictures unfortunately....sorry.

Well lastly, followed by a ghost. No, I was not followed by a ghost. Let me explain. Elder Yeh and I were out tracting some houses near the church when we got a call from one of our Recent Converts who asked if we could meet him at the chapel at 8:00. We went to the chapel and started chatting with him. Now, a few minutes later, we hear a knocking sound. There had been a meeting going on upstairs so we thought it was just a member coming down the stairs. Well then it happened again. We finally went and opened the front door of the chapel and we found a guy standing there, looking fairly concerned. He asked if we were having our church meetings right now and we told him we weren't. We invited him to come in and sit with us for a few minutes and he told us his story. He said that he had felt he was being followed by a ghost. He also said that recently he had been hearing voices. He told us that he heard the voice of Jesus, and that he was angry with him for believing in other gods. We tried to talk him down and reassure him that everything was alright. We gave him a priesthood blessing and his whole countenance changed. He was a lot brighter and happier after the blessing. We invited him to meet with us the next day and he accepted. But then he never came. So that was the last we heard of our mysterious friend. But it was a really neat experience.
To be a FB missionary means that Elder Yeh and I can have a half an hour each day to use facebook to proselyte, follow up with Members, RC's, Investigators and things like that. There is a whole packet with rules that I have to read. So, I am not going to change my facebook all that much today, but I will do it over the next few days. I have to unfollow family and friends profiles, not unfriend them. Just so that you guys can see what I'm doing, but I can't see what you're doing back home. And then I have to change some pictures and like certain pages and things like that. It's a process.

Well that about sums up this week. I hope that you guys are doing well. I am certainly trying to get by at this point. But I know that there are still good things to come.

Love you all and I'll talk to you next week,

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

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