Sunday, January 3, 2016

District Meeting on the Beach, English Party, and Please Welcome My Son, Elder Park


I hope you have had an awesome week. New Year! New Opportunities! New Goals! and so forth.... This week has definitely been quite the roller coaster ride for me! But it has been so much fun at the same time. There have been a lot of fun activities and a lot of big changes here, so I'll get right to it.

So, this past Tuesday, (which is the day we have our District Training Meeting), we were only going to have 3 people at the meeting. Elder Booth was assigned as a Zone Leader, so he had to go up to Taichung to MLC (Mission Leadership Conference), as well as both of the Sisters in our district, since they were Sister Training Leaders. So, it was only Elder Bradford, Elder Erwin and I at the meeting that day. So, we decided to switch it up for our last DTM together. We decided that we were going to ride out to the beach to have our meeting.
It provided for a nice background and weather. And I got to use some pretty cool beach analogies to explain missionary work. (I love analogies.....)

Secondly, we had our English Party this week. Elder Bradford had decided earlier in the transfer that he wanted to have a jungle themed party, so we called our party "Welcome to the Jungle." We played a lot of Minute-to-Win-It type games. We had some fun decorations (that wouldn't cooperate when we were setting them up.), and we had an awesome New Year's themed spiritual share from the Sisters. We had everyone take a brush pen and write their goals for the upcoming year on a red scroll-looking thing. That was a lot of fun as well!
And lastly, my son has arrived!!!!
His name is Elder Park. He is from Syracuse, Utah! Hey, kind of like my trainer, Elder Watson!!! He is super cool. He is 18 years old. Fresh out of the MTC and ready to get to work. He is super cool. His Dad is full Korean, and his Mom is part Chinese and part Japanese. So, he is just all kinds of Asian! He loves music. He plays the guitar, piano, etc. He likes soccer. And most importantly, he loves food! Just like me!!!! So, I am super excited to serve with him for these two transfers. I am already dreading the day I will have to leave him with another companion!!! But, we are going to have an awesome time!!!

Well, that is about it for this week. Pretty crazy stuff, huh? Yeah, I thought so too. But, we are getting back into the swing of things and the work goes on!!! I will try to get pictures of our new district this week to get to you guys. Know that I love you and miss you very much. Happy 2016 everybody!!!

Elder Chase Joseph Millett
Tainan City

Elder Hardy (Chase's good friend in high school), Elder Wang (Member in Chase's old area)
They are serving in Salem Oregon Mission.

District meeting on the beach

Elder Millett and Elder Park

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