Sunday, January 17, 2016

Training: Week 2, An Exchange with an Old Friend, and Some General Thoughts


Well, training is going ok I guess. It is definitely a lot harder than I was anticipating, but I guess that applies to missions in general. We have been trying find some new people to teach, but we are struggling a little bit. And the investigators that we do have have all run into some things recently, whether it just be off-the-wall busy, or they won't come to church because it's raining. But, we are still going by faith and relying on the will of the Lord. But, as I've been training, I have definitely been reminded that we are to experience trials that we may learn and grow. I am reminded of what Elder Neal A. Maxwell has said, "We must partake of life's bitter cups, but without becoming bitter." Although I still feel unqualified as a trainer, I know that it is for a reason. 

Nextly, this past week, I had the chance to go on exchanges with an old friend of mine, Elder Crockett, from the MTC. Elder Crockett was in a district above mine, but at the MTC we became friends, at least I think so. He and I have both lost a lot of weight on our missions, and we share a lot of the same ideas about missionary work. So, we moved to Tainan at the same time. I came to the 3rd Ward and he went to DongQu to be our Zone Leader. We came on island together almost a year ago, which seems crazy to me. We talked for a long time about a lot of things, from funny experiences to the changes we've seen in ourselves to the changes in the mission culture. We just talked! He definitely taught me a lot of different things. After that exchange, I have been pondering about a lot of things. How is the mission going to change in the next few months? What is "true obedience?" What will I have want to become after my mission is finished? I've been asking myself questions like this all the time. I don't really have time to share all of my thoughts. But, needless to say, our exchange left a very profound impression on my heart and mind.

Lastly, since I couldn't think of a third thing to write about, I figured I could just kind of 隨便 share some of my thoughts. I mean, I guess recently it's been pretty cold here. I have had to wear my sweater a few times, which was shocking. I never would've thought that I would have to wear a sweater in Taiwan of all places! So, yeah, it's been pretty cold. Umm, the food here in Tainan is pretty good. We have found some pretty good places to eat at around here. And there is one of my favorite Hot-Pot places just behind our house, so that is fun. I am still feeling good, health wise anyways, but I do think I am starting to put a little weight back on. But, I've been doing P90X again, so I plan on keeping it down. Our area is actually massive. There are places that missionaries have probably only ever biked out to once or twice. Don't know if we'll ever make it out there, but we will try to figure it out. Yeah, throughout my mission, my emotions have gone up and down. Recently, I have been a little down, not anything serious, just exhausted and trying to find new people. I just want Elder Park to have a good training experience. I will certainly try, but there are times when I feel him get frustrated and I am still trying to figure out the best way to help him. But, this is a learning experience for both of us.

Anyways, that is about it for the week. I love you guys so much. Thank you for all of the support over these 15 months or so. From my loving family and friends, to my fellow missionaries in the MTC and around the world, to the wonderful members of the Buckley and Enumclaw YSA Ward, to all of the members in Taiwan, and to all of my companions and other people here. I dearly love you all. I look forward to the time when I will see all of you again, and what a glorious reunion it will be. Well, I hope to hear from you guys soon, and the work goes on here in Tainan.


A funny sign at KFC

Elder Fleming and I wearing our sweaters on exchanges. (Mom asked WHAT he was wearing. His response: "It's just fine Mom! I think its supposed to be like Taiwan aborigine artwork or something. It's actually not as extreme as the pictures make it look")

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