Sunday, March 29, 2015

Earthquake, Corn, and Amma

Hi Family, I hope that you are doing well as I write this letter to you.

Anyways, I will start explaining the weird title of my letter. The first part earthquake occurred last week when I was emailing. It is pretty self-explanatory I'm guessing. We were sitting there emailing when we felt an earthquake, not big at all, just enough to shake our monitors and shake us up a little bit. Nothing bad though, we just laughed afterwards. So that was fun.
The second part is a short story, but it is still a mystery to us. So, we were biking around on Thursday I think. We were going to some places in our area that we hadn't been to yet, and we found quite a strange sight. There was a road that we passed that was completely covered in corn kernels! It was so weird. And it wasn't like a load of corn off of a truck spilled onto the road, no, this looked like it was done purposefully. So I took a picture. I will attach it. 
And the third part will take some explaining. So, in Taiwan the word for Grandma is "Amma." (Pronounced Ah-mah) And around Taiwan, there are lots of these Amma's that drive scooters loaded with junk on them! Apparently a lot of them collect like cardboard and stuff to recycle and earn a little bit of money. Anyways, usually the backs of their scooters are piled ridiculously high with stuff, and they manage to keep them balanced while they are riding. So, this is where it pertains to us, we have an investigator that lives in Pu Zi  = Pooh (and then Zi is a "ts" sound followed by "uh.") that needed a bicycle. So, at our apartment we had a missionary's old bicycle that he'd left when he went home, so we told him that we could bring that one to him. Here was our dilemma though; we had to get a third bike to Pu Zi, already about a 20 minute bike ride away, while riding our bicycles. How it was to be done, we did not know. Traditionally, missionaries do what's called "ghosting." Now, ghosting is where you roll the extra bicycle alongside the one that you are riding, so that it has the appearance of a "ghost: riding the extra bike. But we had a problem; this bicycle had strange handlebars that did not allow for proper ghosting. So we had to figure out a new plan. So, after a few minutes of thinking and experimenting, we finally found the solution. We took one of the bungee cords from my bicycle box and laid the bike on the back of Elder Watson's bike. We strapped it down as tight as we could and took off. After a few close calls, the bike finally settled and we were able to get it to Pu Zi. It was quite the adventure and I have pictures! Anyways, we decided that we had reached Amma status because we had put something ridiculous on the back of our bike and were able to ride without issue. It made us pretty proud of ourselves.
So, other than those few fun adventures that we had, things are going really well here. Ke Guo Lin came to church again and is now ready to be baptized. Now we are trying to figure out the most convenient date for him. We had a lesson with Ke Guo Lin this morning. We watched the hour long Joseph Smith movie with him. He liked it. He said that it helped him understand Joseph Smith a little bit more. It has been tricky to plan though, because there is a big holiday coming up called "Sa Mo" (I think that is how it's said.) But it is the Grave-Sweeping holiday. Because the culture is so focused on family and ancestor respect, every year they have this holiday where they go and clean up the graves all around the island, usually their own family ones. But every year missionaries help clean the graves and use the opportunity to talk to people and spread the message of eternal families. So that is pretty cool.
As for culinary adventures this week, nothing too out-of-the-ordinary. I have discovered that I love the fresh fruit-juice here. It is SO fresh, like we watch them make it. I had some watermelon milk and pineapple juice. Mmm, so good!! 
We didn't have any new investigators this week, which is kind of sad, but this area is kind of hard. There are not a lot of people here. The weather is really unpredictable around here. One day, the wind will be blowing, and the sky overcast, and we will need to have a jacket on, and the next day it will be warm and sunny and we will be sweating away. So it is really hard to tell. As for rain, down here it isn't as frequent. Apparently up north like in Taipei they get a lot more, but we have only had a little bit here so far. But typhoon season is not too far away so it may start raining more soon. The beach here is kind of different (than California). Not a lot of activity there, at least at the one where I was at. Just a couple of fisherman. I guess from what I've heard is that people try to find oysters at the beaches. There are a lot of them apparently. I haven't seen them yet. We have a section of beach in our area in a town called Dong Shih, just past Pu Zi. We really don't have mountains. Our area is just like flat. You can google earth it. Just look up Taibao City and if you want to be more specific you can look up Taibao 2nd Road and that's the road we live off of.
We will get to watch conference, but it will be a week later than back home. For Easter, the church is starting its new initiative. I'm sure you've heard about it. The Because He Lives initiative. We are going to get special pass-along cards at Zone Meeting tomorrow and we are going to be spreading the website the church just created.  
There is candy here; some of it is similar, but not a lot. There are Oreos. Which is good. Very Good. I have discovered the Coconut Delight Oreos and they are like manna from heaven! Fruit is super popular. There is a lot of it. There are like 3-4 fruit markets in Pu Zi alone. Food in Taiwan is not as extreme as it is in America. It's not as sweet, not as salty. It is super good though. We don't eat with members a lot. Our branch is pretty small. We have about 15-20 people in our congregation max every week.

Well, that is about it for right now, I look forward to talking to you and know how much I love and miss you guys!

Your brother, son, grandson, and so on,

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

"Amma" status


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