Sunday, January 24, 2016

What the Winter?!, 洪弟兄 Plot Twist!, and Bike Problems

(Big Family Good.)

How as your week been? Ours was pretty good. Saw quite a few miracles this week, as well as some surprises, as well as some weather changes. Training is still going ok. It is still hard, but it is still so much fun as well. Elder Park and I have been bonding pretty well. He is a good guy. He wants to work hard and see miracles. And he has the same sense of humor and appetite as I do, so that is always a good thing. But yeah....差不多.  kind of a crazy week. But it has been fun. Lots of miracles, and our numbers went up for this week, so that has us encouraged. And we have some really cool potential investigators right now.

Well, this week has been flipping freezing!!!! Especially the last couple of days. We had noticed that the wind was picking up earlier in the week, and that is never fun. Riding your bike in the wind makes things difficult sometimes. But then, one night, I woke up to the sound of the wind whistling through windows. (So, since our apartment is on the 16th floor, the wind can get pretty crazy. And if it gets crazy enough, it will push through the seams in the windows and doors and stuff and create this ridiculously annoying whistling sound.) But, yeah. In addition to the wind it was also raining. And the temperature was ridiculously cold!!!! We went outside and then realized that we weren't going to be warm enough with only one jacket. Eventually, I ended up wearing like 4 layers of clothing to church, including a long sleeve shirt, a sweater, my suit coat, and then my big wool overcoat. And even then I was still freezing! I wore gloves and everything when I was biking because my hands would get numb if I didn't! Crazy! We were talking to a member and apparently it hasn't gotten this cold in like 10 years or something! And also, we heard that it started snowing up in Taipei. So, yeah it was cold. People don't really like to talk to you when it's 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit) outside and windy!  And yeah, 5 degrees is NOT warm!!! Weather has not been on our side for the past couple of days, but we have made it work.And wow, 41 degrees! I'm turning into a sissy!!!! I'm gonna die when I get back to Utah!!!!! 

Well, this week, we had kind of a surprise. So, our investigator, 洪弟兄, has been meeting with us for quite a while now. He is just about ready to be baptized! In fact, his interview is on Tuesday! But, earlier this week, we met with him, and I realized that I hadn't confirmed his address. So, when I asked him where his address was, like which area it was in and stuff, and he told me that it was in 永康, which is NOT OUR AREA!!! We were kind of like, "Oh.....uh........well.......hmm......" So, because of this we have had to work with the YongKang 2nd Ward Elders the past few days to help him transition over to their ward. But it has proved successful. Hong Di Xiong feels comfortable attending their meetings and being baptized in the ward that he lives in. It was definitely a blessing, because YongKang 2nd Ward is where Elder Erwin is now, one of the Elders who started teaching him! So, everything has been falling into place. But, it was still hard to let our about-to-be-baptized investigator go to a different ward. But, as long as we have helped another soul come closer to Christ, then we have fulfilled our responsibility and our purpose, and we are so very happy for him!

Lastly, this week I encountered some bicycle problems. I went in to the local Giant shop to have my back brake changed. (Ya know, those things wear down.) He starts looking at my bike and then says that he would like to check a couple of other things. I thought it was weird, but I said ok. He takes my back rim and tire off and then starts doing some stuff to it. Then he tells me that my rims are messed up. Then he starts like banging it with a hammer to try and straighten it out and not my rim, but the hammer breaks!!!!!! He tells me that I can't ride with these rims. He said it was too dangerous. So, instead of paying a couple hundred kuai for a brake replacement, I ended up spending a ton on replacing rims and tires and the brake!!! So yeah, not the happiest day of my life. But at least my bike is safer, and it rides a lot better now. So, I guess it was a needed sacrifice. But, I look at it this way. Had I not switched the stuff out, I could've had some very big problems later on and I have probably prevented a future accident, which I am grateful for. (Gotta love the mission life! I'm tellin' ya! This kind of 東西 happens all the time!)

Well, that is about it for this week. Sorry, no new pictures for this week. I will try to be better about taking pictures! But yeah, I am healthy, aside from the cold I've gotten from the weather. I'm happy, even with all of the crazy stuff happening. And I am enjoying the work here in 台南三支會. Taiwan is a beautiful place. I can't believe that I only have like 9 short months left. But, I am enjoying every minute of it. Love you all. Can't wait to hear from you. And the Chinese New Year is just about here, so that is getting me excited. So, have a happy New Year from the other side of the world!!!!

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

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