Monday, July 13, 2015

Just Some Area Exploring, Duck Duck Goose, and a 36‏

Hello Family, 

I hope that this week has been a fun one. I know that it has for me. Once Again, I'm sorry for the late email. We are currently in JiaYi for our P-day. We went bowling with one of the other companionships and now we are just emailing. Afterwards, we may go check out the local shopping mall, but we'll see.

Anyways, this week, not a whole lot to report on. We have made some decent progress with our couple investigators. Hellen is doing well, although we haven't been able to meet with her this week. And Ke Guo Lin is FINALLY getting baptized on Friday, we hope.... It seems that anything we set up with him either gets cancelled or delayed. So we are hoping that we finally have a time for him. Other than that, as the subject says, we did some area exploring this week, traveling to some parts of our area that we hadn't been to before.

Now, you might be asking why I put Duck, Duck, Goose in my letter subject. Well, let me explain. So, in our branch, we have a sister who works at the special needs center of JiaYi, which is actually in Lucao, one of our secondary areas. So, every now and again, she will invite the elders to come and do some activities and play some games with the special needs people. A lot like the calling I served in before my mission, as a Special Needs Mutual participant. It was so much fun to be able to get to spend time with those people again. They really are so awesome. They have such a sweet, innocent spirit about them. And from what I've learned about the Gospel, there really is a special throne reserved in heaven for them. Anyways, we did play Duck, Duck, Goose with them, as well as a couple other games. And then I got them to take pictures with me! So, I will definitely send those as well.

And, why 36? Why is that number significant? Hmmmm...... Again, let me explain. So, when I first started my mission, I was a big guy, like, really big. I probably wore about a 42-44 pant size. And there was no way I was fittin' in anything smaller. No way, no how! Well, last week, after conversing with my family a little bit, I finally decided to go out and try and buy some new pants (as a result of my new diet and exercise venture.) So, we went to this place that I remembered seeing in Puzi called Giordanos I think. So, I started looking, and it was then I found out that the largest size the store goes up to is 36. I just laughed and told Elder Yeh that we could go look somewhere else. He finally convinced me to just try them on. So, I chuckled as I went into the dressing room, imagining me attempting to squeeze these things on and then having the button pop off in a dramatic fashion. As I looked at the pants, I realized something else that only made me chuckle more. These pants were slim tapered, so they were skinnier than normal. Well.....umm.....I started to wonder. Well, I finally just put them on, and to my surprise, they fit. THEY FIT! AND COMFORTABLY! I couldn't believe it. I felt I was on one of those pranking tv shows, where they have cameras watching people do ridiculous things. I felt I was being Punk'd. But I wasn't. I was wearing size 36, slim fit pants. Well, I bought 3 pairs. So yeah, my dieting is definitely finally starting to show its results. But, you can see the pants in one of my pictures.

As far as a spiritual experience this week, I think the best one would have to be a realization that I had on Saturday. So, we went to visit a member that we haven't visited in a long time, our former branch president, a Huang Di Xiong. He is such a friendly guy. He is pretty laid back, loves to laugh, and knows a TON about the Gospel. Well, we went over to visit him and to help him with some service. He had to repair some of the waterproofing stuff on his roof I guess, and he said that it would be easier if he has two other people there to help hand stuff up to him. So, that's what we did. He went up on the roof, and we were pushing nails and stuff up to him so that he could put them in place. Anyways, before we started this little activity, I had a feeling in my heart that I should say a personal prayer for safety. Well, that proved to be divine intervention. As we were finishing up, Brother Huang was walking over to where we had placed the ladder when a part of the roof fell through! But, he managed to be close enough to the hatch leading inside that he was able to catch himself and prevent himself from falling. Had the roof caved in a second sooner, he may have not caught himself. So I definitely thank the Lord for that miracle! He definitely answers prayers in many different ways!

Well, that is about it for this week. We are anticipating a typhoon this week, but who knows, we haven't been hit by one yet. But we will see. I am healthy. I am doing well. Transfers are this coming Monday, so this may be my last P-Day in JiaYi. But again, we'll see.

I love you all and I will talk to you very soon! Love ya!

Elder Chase Joseph Millett
duck farm we found out in one of our farther areas‏

Me with the special needs friends. (The sister in our branch is the one on the far right wearing green.)

Bowling. I am still terrible at bowling. Nuff' Said. But I am wearing the skinny pants in this one.

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