Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Power Week, 被放鴿子, and Some Area Exploring


Hello Family,

This week has been pretty good. Not anything too exciting going on here. Pretty standard week. But we did have some fun things happen. So here we go.

So, this past week was Power Week. Power week is something they do once a year here in the mission. Essentially, they have this one week where they give the mission these RIDICULOUS goals for each day. It's supposed to help lift missionaries out of the Guo Nian slump. I will attach a copy of it here for you guys to read. It's pretty crazy!!!

But yeah, our power week was ok. We got pretty close to hitting most of the goals, but in the end, we always fell just a little short. But, we had a lot of success come out of it. We found some fun people to meet with and we really worked hard. And that is all that matters. Putting in your all for the Lord and for His children. So, all-in-all it was a pretty good week. (But I am kind of glad it's over, I am SO tired!!!! Lol.)

Well, this week, we were "fanged" quite a bit. To be fanged means to be stood up. We had a lot of people set up for this week who then never showed up. It was kind of frustrating. But there are some that felt really bad and rescheduled with us, while there were others that we just dropped. But, I think I have been fanged more times here than I have in any other place. But, it just goes to show how important confirming appointments multiple times is. But, this is just another part of the missionary life. But yeah, getting fanged doesn't feel good.....

Lastly, this week, we had a day that we were able to go out and explore our area a little bit more. Our area is actually pretty massive. We rode around for like 2-3 hours and we were still in our area! It was kind of cool though. We found some new places that we could try proselyting at, and we found some new restaurants to eat at in the future. If you are interested in looking it up, our area covers the South, Central/West, and AnPing districts of Tainan. Yeah, pretty big!

Well, sorry about the short letter. Not a whole lot changed this week, just some pants ripping! (Thanks bicycle.....) But yeah, it was a good, hard-working week. If you have any more questions, just let me know! Love you all and have an awesome week. 

P.S. sorry, no new pictures this week :(

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

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