Monday, June 1, 2015

Another Chi Dao Bao, Transfers, and Remembering Elder Perry‏

Hello Family,

I have to apologize for another late email again. We didn't really know what we wanted to do for our P-Day today so we asked the Zone Leaders. They said that they were going to a Chi Dao Bao and we were like, ok, we'll come. So we did. We went and ate at a Thai Chi Dao Bao today and it was so good! But I feel like I'm going to die I ate so much. But, I guess that's what happens. I will attach pictures.

Well, there really isn't a whole lot to write about this week. Transfers are coming up this next week. We have no idea what is going to happen, but we are assuming that Elder Watson is leaving. He has been in Taibao since just before Christmas. So yeah, he's about due for a move. But whether he stays or goes will determine where he is going to be for the rest of his mission. He goes home August 19! It's too crazy. I still feel like I've only just gotten to know him. I personally hope that he doesn't leave. I hope we have at least one more transfer as a companionship. But again, it's up to the Lord. Whatever President Blickenstaff decides is revelation from God, and I'm willing to accept whatever is coming.

Well, as I'm sure you are all aware, this weekend Elder L. Tom Perry passed away. We were sitting in our branch council meeting when a member got the text that he had passed. 

Well, it was some pretty sad news for me. Elder Perry was the only apostle that I've ever had the chance to talk to personally. We were at a youth conference a few years ago when he was coming out of the temple from one of his Quorum meetings. He put his hand on my shoulder and I remember him distinctly asking me "Son, do you plan on serving a mission?" "Of course," I responded. He then proceeded to tell me about the blessings of missionary service, something that he bore many a testimony about. It was an experience that changed my whole life, even if at the time I didn't realize it. To this day, I have felt a special connection to Elder Perry.  The blessings and promises that he told me come from missionary work ring true in my mind even to this day. When I start feeling down, I remember the things he told me about the lives I would touch, about the life lessons I would learn, and about the love for all men that I would develop.While I am sad to see him go, we know that he continues his work on the other side of the veil, and the promises of eternity have most certainly been fulfilled for this spiritual giant. I will miss him. I consider him a friend. And I continue to apply those things that he taught me, even in the very short time I got to talk to him.

Now, you wanted to hear my thoughts about the Joseph Smith movie (this was last weeks challengeL to watch Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration movie) I think that it is fantastic. The first time I watched it here, at first I thought, oh, I've seen this before. But being on a mission and sharing the message of the Restoration really changed my thoughts about it. I payed sincere attention. I listened to the words that the prophet spoke. It really built my testimony of the sacrifice that it took for the Church to once again be restored.  I think of the prophets throughout the New and Old Testaments and the Book of Mormon and how many of them suffered pain, persecution, and even death for their testimonies of Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith is counted among those prophets. I don't know if I ever told you, but President Eaton from my last mission wrote President Eyring's biography. He got to spend like 2 weeks having personal interviews with him and getting to know him. President Eaton recalled something that President Eyring told him when asked about Joseph Smith. He said that when they were filming the Joseph Smith movie, they kept having to redo the scenes and keep going through actors until they found the right Joseph Smith. President Eyring said that if all of the prophets throughout history were gathered into one room and Joseph Smith walked in, they would all stand out of respect. That is the Joseph Smith I know. A man of respect, humility, and sincere desire to seek the truth. And I feel that the movie really shows that.

Well, other than that, this week has been good. We continue to strive to find new investigators, although it is pretty tough out here. We are taking good care of our recent converts and we continue to spread the Gospel out here in Taibao. 

I love you all and I hope to talk to you guys very soon.

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is true. It has been restored to bless our lives in these latter days. It contains all the truths, principles, and ordinances contained in our Father in Heaven’s great plan of happiness, which is a plan for us to return and live with Him in the eternal realms beyond. That the gospel of Jesus Christ is His divine way for us to face our glorious future is my testimony to you.” —Elder L. Tom Perry:

Here is your weekly challenge: Elder L. Tom Perry's 1st talk as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.

Sincerely, your Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew and so on,

Elder Chase Joseph Millett 雷長老

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