Monday, August 17, 2015

Winnie, 小鮮肉, and a Bye Bye Elder Watson‏

Hello Family,

I hope that your week has been stupendously fantastic. Ours has been ok. Can't complain too much. Well, might as well get right down to things.

First off. I want to introduce you to our friend Winnie. Winnie is an investigator who started coming to our Family Home Evening activities for a little while. She became very good friends with all of us. Well, we asked if she wanted to be baptized, and she said yes. Well, we had a little problem, she lived in the zone leaders' area and she didn't want to go to their ward because she didn't know anybody. Well, after some long discussions with her, she finally said, "Wait, I have a home in FengJia. Does that work?" And we were all like, yeah!!!!!!! So, she will be able to be baptized in FengJia's ward, which is our adjacent area. But, it's still our building and she has friends there. So we are very grateful for this blessing and she is super prepared! YAY! 

Winnie is the one in the back left corner.

Nextly, this week, I went on exchanges with Elder Nelson, the newest missionary in our district. If you were wondering what​​ 小鮮肉 means, it means "fresh meat." That is what we call him all the time. It's just kind of a joke. He really is a great missionary already though. He is WAY further ahead than I was at that stage in training. But, unfortunately, we had a little mishap whilst we were on this exchange. We had 2 lessons in a row. We were on the 2nd floor of a Starbucks. Well 2 lessons is about a 2 hour time period. Well, we went outside after those lessons to find that Elder Nelson's bike had been stolen. He had lost his lock a couple days before and had not had an opportunity to go buy a new one. So, he being new, his bike was also new. So it was stolen. Needless to say, we talked to the police. They said that they would do what they could, but that there were no guarantees of finding it. So, he is riding an old bike right now. So we definitely wish him the best. But we are trying to do what we can.

And lastly, today I will say goodbye to Elder Watson. Yup, the time has come for him to go home. He has become a very good friend of mine though and I'm sure we will stay in touch. We are going to the mission home to say goodbye to him today. He will be flying home on Wednesday. I am going to miss him, but I know that we will probably be friends for a very long time. Thanks for the fun times "Papa Watson!"

Well, that's about it for this week. The clean up (from the typhoon) goes ok. We haven't had to do a ton of it. The city has cleaned most of it up. But yeah, you can definitely tell that a VERY large typhoon came through here. And I heard that there are supposed to be 1 or 2 more on the way. So we are preparing for that. We are STILL trying to find new people to teach, but we have found a couple of really cool people this week that we are hoping will continue to meet. We met an American member who brought a friend from Morocco with him to Taiwan. He wants us to try and introduce the church to him. So we are super excited about that, but it is super weird teaching in English again. Anyways, love you all and I hope I hear from you soon. Anyways, I love you so much. I hope you have a good week. We are going bowling today and are going to Ikea for lunch! Yum, meatballs.
 Have a great week and stay awesome!

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

These were all random pictures that the members have sent to me.I laugh because they always seem to be eating! :)

I had a member send me several of these pictures, so I do not know the story behind why Elder Millett is playing a dijireedo (??) But it is something that he would love for sure!

P-day at Ikea

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