Monday, September 21, 2015

Interviews, Vespa, and "Come On Babies, We're Goin' Shoppin!

Hello Family,

I hope that you have had a good week. We have been doing pretty well. Things are picking up here in DongHai.

Well, this week, we had another round of interviews. It was really neat to be able to talk to President Blickenstaff and share my feelings and questions with him. He really is a wise man, and I know that he has the authority to watch over this mission. And I thank him for the wise words he gave to me. We also got to talk to Sister Blickenstaff and the Assistants. So, it was definitely a day full of learning and spiritual growth.

So, secondly, since I've come to Taiwan, I've discovered that a TON of people ride motor scooters. And I've fallen in love with Vespa Scooters! They are super super cool. They look good and they are actually super well made. So, we found out that we have a Vespa dealership in our area, so we decided to go check it out. We took some pictures and stuff. Out front, we found a vintage Vespa from like the 50's or 60's and I got my picture with it. It was awesome!!! You can buy Vespa scooters in the US. I am seriously thinking about one for college or something.Winking face They aren't too pricey either. (My response to him: Vespa scooter may not be fun to ride in Logan winters brrrrr!") His response: That's why I take the Bus!!!Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes

Well, lastly, today for our P-Day, we are going to the largest mall in all of Taichung. We found out that it is just in the area adjacent to ours. I went there while I was on exchanges, and it was super cool. So we are going to go there today because well, I've gotta buy a suit. And we are going to this place that sells cool socks. So yeah. Shopping. Fun Stuff.

Well, that is about it for this week. We are working with a new investigator named Chen Jian You. He is a super humble guy. He just started college and he is looking for direction in his life. So, we are praying for him and we are hoping that things will continue to go smoothly.

Well, that is about it for now. I love you all and I will talk to you next week. Stay awesome. GLHF.


Elder Chase Joseph Millett

And me with an awesome vintage Vespa

Elder Galura in front of a sweet Alfa Romeo at the Mall

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