Thursday, April 21, 2016

In Memory of Elder David Smith Hampton April 12, 2016

On Tuesday, April 12, President Blickenstaff received the phone call that every mission president fears. He was informed that one of his missionaries, Elder Hampton, had been hit by a car and seriously injured. Being a physician, from the description of Elder Hampton's condition, President Blickenstaff knew it did not sound favorable. About an hour later, we were notified that Elder Hampton was not going to survive.

I received a similar phone call 14 years ago informing me that my three-year-old daughter had been hit by a car and was gone. It was almost the same scenario. Instantaneous. Our dear baby Courtney returned to a loving Heavenly Father, worthy of the greatest gift of all, that of eternal life. You cannot want these precious ones back on the earth, because they are promised everything the Father has, even celestial glory. With Elder Hampton's passing, I was reminded of the scripture found in D&C 122:9, “Therefore, hold on thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not . . . for God shall be with you forever and ever.” I did not need to worry for Elder Hampton, neither could I want him back.

Although I have shed many tears since, I did not cry in the Changhua Christian Hospital emergency room that night, perhaps for the same reason I did not cry in the emergency room over a decade ago. Because I knew in my heart on both nights that God has a plan. It is beautiful. It is merciful. It is centered in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which makes everything right. It turns the most painful of all pains, the loss of a loved one, into a gift that is wonderful and amazing. Something, over time, you can be happy about and look upon as a blessing. Something, with the assurance of the Comforter, you can be at peace with. Something, with the veil so thin at times, you can know is true without a shadow of a doubt, because loved ones continue to watch over you from above.

Members, missionaries, and friends were at the hospital to comfort Elder Hampton's companion (Elder Noah Quist who was also Elder Millett's MTC companion). Although I'm sure he was shocked, I could feel he was at peace. He was Elder Hampton's trainer. They had been safe. They had been obedient. They loved each other. They worked hard together. They loved being representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and they loved laboring in His vineyard.
We soon met the driver of the vehicle. He and his wife were heartbroken. They expressed their sorrows and shed uncontrollable tears. We reassured them that Elder Hampton was in a better place, and that families could be eternal. Elder Hampton's companion was able to share the message of the Restored Gospel with them. We hope that through learning about the Plan of Salvation and prayer, they too will be healed through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Two days after the accident, they came to the chapel where we were conducting interviews for Elder Hampton's zone. I had been conducting devotionals with all the missionaries to help them understand the circumstances behind the accident, and to show them the KSL news broadcast wherein Brother and Sister Hampton share their unwavering faith and testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This Taiwanese couple, in their grief, were comforted in hearing that the Hamptons were concerned for them and their well being.

We have all felt the many prayers in our behalf, from people all around the world, sustain us during this sacred time. We have had the strength to comfort our missionaries and to minister to the Hamptons. We have witnessed many miracles and our faith in Christ's Plan of Salvation has been made even stronger through this experience. We are so grateful for the enduring faith of the Hampton family, that has brought us much comfort. Listen to their testimonies anchored in Christ:

We are grateful to have served with Elder Hampton. We are grateful that he loved his mission and was happily engaged in the recent charge to all missionaries worldwide, to 'Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts." We are grateful that he strived every day to be a better missionary. We are grateful that at the end of each day, Elder Hampton wrote a brief, uplifting  journal entry and ended it with the words, "Be good OK! Love your mission!"

On the following weekend, the investigator that Elder Hampton and his companion were teaching
entered the waters of baptism:

In reflection, Elder Hampton's companion (Elder Noah Quist)

My life changed on Tuesday when my companion passed away after being struck by a car on the way to the church. That night was a tough experience for me. However, I have been able to pray and receive priesthood blessings that have helped me to overcome and find peace through this trial.
At first I was very shaken up. However, as I began to reflect on my purpose as a missionary and on the Plan of Salvation, I came to see this experience not so much as a tragedy, but as a blessing that has strengthened my own testimony in the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I have felt the power of His Atonement and also the power of all your prayers over this last week. Because of these things, I have been able to press forward.
I spent a day in Taichung after the accident in order to help with some of the legal matters. I also spent the day resting and reflecting on what had happened. Then on Thursday I headed back out to Zhang Hua. I am currently serving with the other ward's elders, but we are also covering some investigators from my own ward. Although it seemed a little fast to get back to the work..I know Elder Hampton cared just as much for these investigators as I did, so I know he would have preferred me getting right back to work. I especially had to go back to prepare for a baptism for...our investigator, which...ended up going great. The spirit was so strong throughout the entire service. I had a special feeling throughout the entire baptism, and I knew missionaries from both sides of the veil were present. I reflected on how as one person I knew and loved ended their mortal discipleship of Jesus Christ, someone else I knew and loved had just began theirs.

We rest assured that Elder Hampton is still in the service of the Lord as a missionary, only in a different realm, anxiously engaged in this great work of salvation!

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