Sunday, April 3, 2016

Eric's Baptism!, Elder Park is Moving!, Welcome Elder Starkweather!


I hope that your week has been a good week. Ours has been rather exciting! We have seen a lot of miracles and had quite the curve ball thrown at a couple of days ago. But I'm sure I will be getting to that. Anyways, let's get going.

So, most importantly, Eric got baptized this last Saturday!!! WOOHOO! We were able to meet with him the Thursday before his baptism to finish his last lesson, and he was super excited. And well, he finally did it!

We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for him! He wasn't able to come to church this last Sunday because of some work stuff, but he should be able to come to get confirmed next week. So that won't be a problem. But he was so ready. He kept telling us that night how grateful he was for all of our help, and for the caring attitude of the ward. The Spirit was really strong that night. What a way to finish out the transfer, and Sister Crowell's mission!

Well, like I just stated, the move call ended. So, we got the call on Sunday morning telling us who was going to move. And of course, what happens!? Elder Park is the one moving!!!! 什麼東西!? Yup, I will be staying in Tainan a little while longer! Elder Park is moving WAY down south down to Donggang (東港) to be with Elder Gilbert, an Elder who served in Tainan 4th ward before. So yeah, just like that, my son and I part ways. It feels like only yesterday I was going up to the mission home in Taichung to pick him up! Crazy how time flies! But I wish him well. Donggang should be a pretty fun place. And he gets to live in a 4-man apartment, (meaning that there will be 4 Elders in one house!), so I am a little jealous. I haven't had that chance yet. But should be fun! So yeah, I have a new companion now, Elder Starkweather from Alrlington, Texas. He has been on the island for about 7 months. I don't know too much about him yet. All I know is that he was trained by Elder Coleman, an Elder that I graduated high school with, and that he is taller than me. Been a while since I've had a companion that is taller than me. Feels kind of weird...Oh well, there goes my chance at basketball!!! But yeah, seems like a super cool dude! Can't wait to see what these next few weeks bring. MIRACLES!

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, the 4th ward Elders' apartment became a 4-man again. So now there are 6 Elders in the district instead of 4. Elder Lauti is training a new missonary, so Elder Bradford finally moved. He went up to Taichung. Yeah, pretty big move call this time.

These days, while going very quickly, are only a small flash in the grand scheme of eternity. But the experiences we have in this short time will go with us forever. So yes, I am treasuring every minute of this time as well, because it is precious. 

I can't wait for conference either! Kind of like waiting for Christmas! But better! 

Well, that's about it for now. I'm sure there will be more updates on Eric and stuff as the time goes on. But for now, I just wish you all an awesome week. Ours has been pretty good. Father and son have parted ways and life goes on. Love you all and talk to you very soon! 

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

Saying Goodbye to My Son, Elder Park! (They grow up so fast!!!!!!!) Already off to his second area.

Elder Starkweather and I

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