Monday, June 20, 2016

Zone Conference, The Most 誇張吃到飽 I've Ever Been To, and Another Movecall Come and Gone

大家好。(Hello Everyone)

This week was definitely a very spiritually uplifting one. We got to attend President and Sister Blickenstaff's last Zone Conference, and that was a really neat experience. But I will talk more about that in a minute. It's been kind of strange getting ready to transition to a new mission president, but it is kind of a neat experience. Anyways, Elder Baxter and I are getting along great. We are expecting that he will move this next move call, only because this is his first area. I will probably get a new companion and will stay here for a little while. But I guess we will have to see what is in store. The work is progressing. We have some cool people we are working with, and we have actually been able to find some new people to teach. So thank you guys for all the prayers in our behalf. They are definitely felt on a daily basis.

Well, like I'd said, this last week was Zone Conference, the last one that President and Sister Blickenstaff would be holding. We talked about a lot of different things. One of the highlights is the discussion we had on a talk entitled, "Becoming a Preach My Gospel Missionary" by Elder David A. Bednar. We have looked at this talk multiple times over the time I've been on my mission, and I learn new principles from it every time. Elder Bednar puts into a very clear perspective principles such as the need for exact obedience, realizing who we serve, and having the confidence that the Lord will help those who serve Him. President bore a very powerful testimony of becoming a PMG missionary, and it really touched me and made me want to be even more consecrated. Sister Blickenstaff, as always, gave an entertaining and informative health and safety training. During this portion, we found out about some changes in the Dress and Grooming standards. Missionaries are now allowed to wear sunglasses, and even some forms of hats in order to protect themselves from the sun. So, might be going out and looking for a pair of shades now! Haha. We ate a delicious lunch of Costco pizza and homemade salad. We had a training on the Book of Mormon from the Assistants and our Zone Leaders. I got to perform in a musical performance with a few other members of the zone, singing "God Be with You Til We Meet Again." That was fun. I was excited to actually have a part in it. I saw old friends and companions, and all in all it was a good time.

Secondly, this past week, I went to the craziest Chi Dao Bao that I've ever been too in my life! We have this member, a recent convert, in our ward, who loves to take the missionaries out to eat. So, this last week, he had us taxi'd over, yes TAXI'D to a really high-end buffet. This place is like 900 kuai a person. I feasted on Abalone, steak, Hagen Daaz Ice cream, and all kinds of fancy drinks and things. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO good. This member loves when missionaries eat a ton, because he wants to get his money's worth. So I ate like 10 steaks, making me number one on his "list." Yes, success! But I felt so full and lame afterwards. Haha. But it was awesome. Sorry, no pictures. I was too busy eating. Oh well, next time!

Lastly, another move call is about to come to an end. I have been in DongYing for about 6 weeks now. And it is a nice place. The ward is nice. People are nice. The area is pretty nice too. Not nearly as big as my last area, but still fairly good size. Well, like I'd said previously, we are expecting that Elder Baxter is going to move. But it's never a sure thing. So I guess we will have to see.

Well, that is about it for the week. Looking forward to hearing from you guys! Keep on Keeping on! Love ya and I'll talk to ya very soon!

Yours truly, Sincerely, and any other necessary closing,

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

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