Sunday, June 5, 2016

ZTM, Some Visitors, and Elder Smith is Leaving Already!?


This week has been ok I suppose. Been pretty warm recently. We've had a few fun things happen this week though. 

So, this last week, we had ZTM. Pretty lucky for us since the chapel is so dang close. But yeah, the whole zone got together and had a very spiritual meeting. It was all about Planning, Faith, and Diligence. I'll be completely honest, sometimes these meetings can seem a little repetitive and predictable, but it is really cool that we can learn new things from it every time. I personally get really spiritually revitalized by the things that are shared. And it is really neat to hear other missionaries' input. One highlight of this last ZTM was a small demonstration that the Zone Leaders put on. They had asked the Taiping Elders (Elder Smith and Elder Bradford) if they could help them do this demonstration. They had Elder Bradford put a blindfold on and take his shoes off. The Zone Leaders then put a bag of gummy bears on the ground and explained that Elder Smith would have to guide Elder Bradford to the gummy bears and lead them to "baptism," (a bowl of water on the other side of the room). Well, before they started, they dumped a couple hundred thumb tacks onto the floor, explaining that missionary work is not an easy task, and that it would have it's obstacles. Slowly, very slowly, Elder Smith guided Elder Bradford through this treacherous maze, almost stepping on quite a few tacks, quite a few times, but always coming through ok. I took a really funny video, but I don't think it will fit into the email, so I will not be able to send that. It was hilarious, but terrifying at the same time. All-in-all, a really good meeting.

Well, this last Sunday, some old friends from my old area came and visited our ward. I served in DongHai before and these Sisters, one from DongHai and one from FengJia came and saw me. It was fun to see how well they are doing. They are very strong in the Gospel and are planning a trip to Utah sometime next year. It was a wonderful surprise. (I will have to get the pictures to you guys next week. The computer I'm using does not like to upload pictures apparently.)Dang it.

Lastly, today was a mini move call. And well, to our great surprise, we found out on Saturday night that Elder Smith was moving. After only 3 weeks of being in Taiping, he left. And not only that, he moved out to Magong, the little tiny island off the coast of Taiwan. That's right, he's not even in Taiwan anymore. It was kind of sad to see him go, but at the same time, we know that he is going to do great things over there. That means that we got a new Elder in our District, Elder Duffin, who just came off of Magong. He is Elder Bradford's new companion, so that is kind of fun. And that looks like I'll be safe for another few weeks. I'm kind of hoping I don't move again before I "die." Only because it is kind of 麻煩 to try and move all of my stuff around. Plus, I'm really close to the mission home now, so I don't have to move all my stuff too far if I finish here. But, I guess we will have to see what the Lord has in store. I'm glad to serve here in DongYing. Although the work was slow when I got here, we are making plans and preparations to turn that around. Hopefully, it will all work out. And through the Lord's power, I'm sure it will, in HIS time.

Well, that is about it for this week. Elder Baxter and I are getting along fine. He is a great guy, and we have become good friends. Although, he does always make fun of how old a missionary I am now, always calling me "恐龍" or "dinosaur." But I love working with him and we are starting to see some small improvements in the work. Hopefully that pattern continues. Love you guys and I'll talk to you very soon. Pictures next week when I don't have to use a dump computer.

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

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