Monday, November 2, 2015

翻桌, 鳳儀走了, and Stake Conference

Hello Family, I hope that you are doing well! We have had a splendid week! Not too much crazy stuff going on, but I'll fill you in on what happened.

So, the first subject of my email is 翻桌, or "flip table." Something funny I've learned recently is that there is a Taiwanese phrase that they will say when they are angry. It sounds like "Bean Duh La." It literally means, flip the table. The first time I heard someone use it after I knew what it was, I thought is was too funny. I laughed so hard I couldn't breath. But, we don't use it often, only because people only use it when they are REALLY upset. But, Elder Chen and I use it as kind of an inside joke. So, I found this picture a little while ago and I thought you guys would find it funny. It is a picture I took on the day of the typhoon. Enjoy.
Ok, now that you're done laughing, I'll talk about the second thing. So, this past week, right after I introduced you guys to my good buddy 鳳儀, telling you that he was waiting to go on his mission, he called us and told us that he would be going to the Taichung Mission until his visa came through! Yup, he is now a full time missionary, IN THE SAME MISSION!!! I thought it was funny and awesome! But even better, President Blickenstaff told us at Stake Conference who his companion was going to be. And do you know who it is????? IT'S ELDER MOORE!!!!! That's right, Elder Wang is now going to go be with Elder Moore, my old companion. Elder Moore and I became very good friends with Elder Wang, and now he is going to go be his companion in the mission field!!! So awesome!!!! We wish him the very best.

Lastly, Stake Conference was this last weekend. It was super awesome. It was all about Hastening the Work of Salvation, encouraging unity between members and missionaries, as well as more active temple attendance. We got to hear President and Sister Blickenstaff speak, as well as the Taipei Temple President and his wife. Our Stake Presidency spoke too and it was just a very spiritually powerful weekend. So, I am so glad to be able to serve in the Taichung West Stake. 

Well, that about sums it up for this week. I am happy, healthy, and getting more used to my position as District Leader. It has proved to be a good, and neat experience thus far, so I am so thankful for the opportunity. Well, I love all of you. I hope to hear from you soon. Know that I miss and am praying for all of you!!!!!

Elder Chase Joseph Millett

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